

Working with extreme temperatures requires extensive engineering knowledge and the highest reliability. For over 40 years we have been involved with all aspects of design, calibration, liquid nitrogen testing, software and data monitoring solutions.

Our cryogenics solutions are applicable to the following:
  • Control and measuring equipment for the life sciences.
  • Liquid nitrogen freezers.
  • Contents indicators for bulk tankers.
  • Data loggers for dewars and other portable vessels.



M505CE Cryostorage Controller

The M505CE is a microprocessor based cryostorage controller that records freezer temperatures and manages the liquid nitrogen levels of your freezers. We provide a series of upgrades and add-ons to suit the system to your needs.

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Temperature Loggers


M380CE-T & M385CE-T Loggers

The M380CE and M385CE temperature loggers are designed to monitor and record the temperature of cryostorage dry shippers. Our loggers periodically capture temperature data, holding up to 16,000+ records and have a minimum battery life of 5 years.

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M284CE & M357CE Alarms

The M284CE and M357CE low level alarms protect your high value materials by activating auditory and visual alarms when liquid nitrogen levels drop below their desired level. They are available for selected models of cryofreezer.

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